I consider myself to be "spiritual" because...
I believe that the universe* (including all consciousness that exists within it) is best understood when it is thought of and interacted with as both one thing and a collection of many things. One important extrapolation of this belief is the belief that we are both one and many; and that every part of the universe is connected to, affects, and is affected by all other parts of the whole. Therefore, I believe that my personal thoughts, emotions, words, and actions are extremely powerful; and I try (try!) to live in a way that nurtures the wellbeing of everything that exists.
I consider myself to be an "atheist" because...
I do NOT believe in the existence of God; when defined traditionally, as the creator and ruler of the universe. That said, I believe that God is the personification of the universe; just as you are the personification of whatever part of the universe you use to experience the universe. One important extrapolation of these two beliefs, is the belief that traditional "believers" are actually idol worshippers who worship the finger that points to the moon.
There is a significant difference between an idolic creator and ruler of the universe and the actual universe itself, even with all of its mystery; yet the term "God" is used interchangeably. This troubles me greatly for many reasons which I have written about elsewhere; but the crux of the matter is that the more clearly we think and communicate; the more effectively, efficiently, and enjoyably we can create an ever-better world together.
I was a teenager in the 1980s. At the time, there was an extremely significant difference between the general perspective held by traditional hard line Theists and my own personal perspective. There was also an extremely significant difference between the general perspective held by traditional hard line Atheists and my own personal perspective. I did not want to identify as, and unintentionally promote, the perspective of either a traditional Theist or a traditional Atheist. So, I created and begin using the term "Spiritual Atheist" (while still a teenager in the 1980s) to describe my God-based classification. This made clarifying conversation unavoidable. And this is how ideas spread.
For me, Spiritual Atheism embraces the mystery of ultimate oneness and everything that means; while also embracing both genuinely scientific methods & tools (when their limitations are understood) and genuinely spiritual paths & symbology (when their meanings are understood).
My vision for Spiritual Atheism was/is that it helps Atheists embrace spirituality (recognize that God, as the universe, does exist); and helps Theists embrace science (recognize that God, as the idol, does NOT exist). My perspective of Spiritual Atheism was/is that it is like a powerful seed whose awakening, empowering, and unifying flower (message) gradually disappears as it expands (spreads)... because it gradually becomes less and less relevant... along with Theism and Atheism!!! And then we can finally get on with the business of working together for the common good**.
Obviously, things have changed radically since the 1980s! While I do miss all of the fabulous post-punk-era music, most changes have been for the better. For instance, I have observed that the term God is used ever less often to refer to an idolic creator and ruler of the universe and ever more often to refer to the universe itself. While this massive shift in perspective naturally raises some new misunderstandings and challenges; it has liberated an incalculable number of people from fundamental ignorance and division and gives those people an opportunity to expand and refine their common perspective, common interests, and common ambition to create an ever-better world.
I sometimes wonder what role, if any, the idea of Spiritual Atheism (and my efforts in particular) have played in this shift. The truth is that I have absolutely no idea. It seems extremely minimal, if any; but you never know... considering the "butterfly effect" and all... haha! In the end, we can only do what we can do and hope our efforts our helpful.
* I use the word "universe" to refer to ALL that exists; regardless of whether or not parallel time lines (cause and effect sequences) exist, or whether or not time itself exists, or whether parallel matter (persistent frequency patterns) exists, or whether matter itself exists or whatever else one may discover or imagine.
** Just so it's been said... I do NOT support either individualism/capitalism or collectivism/socialism. Both perspectives taken to the extreme lead to destruction. Oh no... there I go taking the middle path of wisdom again! Sorry! Not sorry! Haha!